Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just a little something something!

ok-So I still have a headache. Crappy!

Here I sit just waiting for it to go away.

I thought that I would show you a cute dinner idea that we had last halloween night.

These monster tacos were so simple, my kids thought that I was the greatest mom in the whole world, and I had a little peice of mind knowing that I sent my kids out with full tummys.

I know that this post is lame, but I hope that you will forgive me!


Bridget said...

Sorry about the headache, hope it goes away soon!

You make a great witch!!!!

Rae said...

This isn't a lame post at all! It's ultra cute! JK is going to be a pirate this year and I love the idea of doing a faux patch! Thanks for the wonderful idea!!!! Now I don't have to worry about him falling and landing in the ER on Halloween night!

Meg said...

Makes me want tacos!

Unknown said...

Those pics are awesome.. and it's not lame, and I'm SOOOO sorryyou still have a headache. that's a big no fair.

Chelsie said...

haha, remember how cooper was afraid of your mom last year as a witch...those tacos are so cute, i always see them on kraftfoods, but never make them! i hope you get feeling better soon, love ya

Em said...

CUTE taco! And cute costumes too ;)

Lori said...

Have you heard of Advil? Just kidding, me being a jerk. Hope you get better soon. And, who is that scary looking witch??? Spooky!

Victoria said...

LOVE the tacos! What a cute idea.

Sorry about the headache. I used to have them all the time. Chiropractic helped mine and I've heard acupuncture helps too (it helped my TMJ tremendously!).

A pumpkin empanada (sp?) sounds yummy. I've never heard of it so maybe it is a Utah thing. :)

AJ said...

Tausha! My gosh girl! You have got to get better! Way too long!!!! Drink a can of coke/diet coke. Maybe a little caffeine will take the edge off? BTW, I liked the post-not lame at all:):)

Bonnie the Boss said...

Not lame at all. Really cute! Are you feeling any better?

Inspired Kara said...

This post is not lame AT ALL.

I love seeing your family have a blast together!! That's what the good stuff of life is all about :0

And that, my friend, is not lame.

Amy R. said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Feel free to copy! I do! You seem like a fun and crafty mom. I love your clipboards you did. I really need to get organized and you showed some fun ways to do that. Thanks for the ideas. Stop by anytime. I will start posting more soon now that I had my baby.

Tandi said...

What a cute idea!Taco monster, who would have thought!We'll have to try it! Do you need a little pampering with your headache? let me know if there is something we can do!

Jessica G. said...

Monster tacos are awesome! Great idea!

~LisaLou~ said...

Hi Tausha,
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Your blog is cute. I love the apple green desk you painted. Cute!
The haunted houses from my blog were super easy. We just used Elmers glue and smeared it on the boxes with our hands. The kids loved that part. Then we added the paper! The roof was just black paper with a ripped scalloped edge. We glued it to the flaps on top of the box.
I will put up the recipe for the salt dough on my site (I got it from Family Fun!) But for now here it is:
1 cup flour
1 cup salt
1/2 cup water
Mix and it should be a doughy consistency that will hold a shape, but not sticky. If it's too sticky or runny, add flour a little at a time.
Make your shapes and put them on a paper plate in the microwave for 1 minute and then 20 seconds at a time until they are dry. (The color will lighten and they will actually feel lighter.) They can burn, so don't overdo it! Let them cool and then paint them. They will look great when you antique them!
We made some fun Easter projects in February and then last November, we made some pumpkins for table markers. They looked great!
Hope you have fun doing this project with your girls. We love it!
Thanks, Lisa

Heidi said...

Oh, do I feel your pain on the headaches. My doctor gave me some wicked-strength caffeine pills. That's what I take.

GOOD LUCK--(and use it as an excuse to take lots of naps and not make dinner--that's what I do).