Monday, December 28, 2009

Guess what I get to do???

I am sure that you are all dying to know right?

Well, my kind, loving, handsome, strong and kind husband of mine has agreed to redo the kitchen!!
I am so excited that I could pee!
He has the next week off from work.
Since we spent the first week of his 2 weeks off taking turns being sick-I figure he owes me.
(he was sick more than I was-only fair to make him work more)

The agenda-
rip off this super ugly, puffy, fake tile looking wallpaper that poses as a back splash.
paint the walls
add crown molding to the top of the cupboards
bead board around the bar and bead board for the new back splash.
paint the cupboards black
buy a new curtain rod
remove all decor, dust, gunk and everything else that lurkes on things when I am not watching.
Plan what I am going to wear on studio 5 next Tuesday. (I still have plenty of time to figure of what I am going to say)
Plan and carry out Enrichment night which happens to be next Wednesday
do the 56 loads of laundry
and whatever else pops up.

Good thing I have diet coke and lots of friends that will pray for me to not lose my mind!!!


Reed & Melinda Family said...

Good luck it sounds like a lot of work and make sure put pics before and after! I have a project too a brewing in my brain! Look out Reed.

Connie said...

PICTURES before, during and after

Lori said...

You are going to be on again???
Good for you guys!