Sunday, August 10, 2008


So I got a little decorater happy today. I had read some great new blogs that were so inspiring, I couldn't help but do a little somethin, somethin. It didn't matter that I should have been gettting ready for church. Nope, not at all.
I found little blog and I love her! Talk about talent! I also found her! Love them both and am so excited to see what other exciting things they come up with. (so I can copy of course) Copying is the sincerest form of flattery. At least I think so.
I changed my hall. I was sick of the words and I had a shelf that I love that was sitting in a closet collecting dust.
So-i pulled it out and hung this big, huge, heavy thing all by myself. I was quite proud. I hung it with hercules hooks-some of the greatest inventions ever! I even got it level on the first try! Oh yea-I am that good!!!

So-what do you think?
I like it, I just think that there is a little too much red. I must go and find another color of something else to spruce it up a bit. If I don't, it will so drive me crazy!!
I also moved up my chair that i love and my little black table that I found at a yard sale. It is a little sewing table. The little drawer in front, is not a drawer but a little hidden compartment that holds spools.
I spray painted this one red and then black and sanded and polyed. My favorite trick! i love how the red shows through! Plus, no primer and I always use cheap spray paint!
Yes, the cheaper the better. That is one sentance that my husband doesn't mind hearing!

I have been meaning to show this little number but I thought that I would clean it before I posted it. Sorry girls, no such luck
I found this at the DI-it was $5.00 and brown with apples. Super ugly. I needed something to put on the kitchen wall for some organization of all my crap and I thought that this would be perfect. Just painted it glossy red and sanded a little.

Sorry it looks so junky. I Love it cause it has a little shelf on the bottom. I know always know where my phone is. (yea right)
So-are you sick of looking at pics? I just got a couple more.
I found this super cute old picinic basket for $3.00. I didn't know where i was going to put it, just that I had to have it.

I like it. I stuck some push pins in the side to make the wreath stay. I think that pretty much everything above my counters, came from the thrift store. Do you see why it was so hard for me to pic favorite?

I got the rolling pin ideas from Nicole. She has a ton, I only have one. Since I don't bake, I used it for decor of course. I love chickens too! Bet you couldn't tell. I can never get enough,

So I figure that you are sick of looking at my little country home. The cupboards are just about ready for a redo. We are thinking barn red with some trim. Beadboard for the backsplash and light apple green. I am so excited, this whole overhaul might be sooner than later!
Have a great day!


Leeann said...

I would LOVE to know how you find the time!
Our decorating styles are very similar...come do my house, so I can take the credit, huh? :)

Tinabean said...

You did an amazing job, very cute.

Marie said...

I love your country style. It was my first love and it will always be my TRUE love. :o) Everything looks great! And you can never, ever have too much red. Or black, for that matter. :o)

Amy said...

I hopped on over from Lemon Annie's blog. You did a great job. I never would have thought that empty picture frames could look so good. It totally works. Thanks for sharing your work.

Melissa said...

I have a lot of country elements in my home too... so I LOVE looking at all you're stuff! Your displays are so fun! Thanks for sharing :)

Alison Wonderland said...

I hate to say it since I am so extraordinarily non crafty but you're giving me some ideas.

Chelsie said...

i love the red..of course it looks fabulous! hey want to come paint my cupboards also...ugg they are in major need of an update...however i am thinking black and white....then i can sing the michael jackson song everytime i go in it michael jackson..i have no idea

Anonymous said...

Love your blog...thanks for visiting mine and leaving me a comment so I could check yours out! Great decorating ideas...

Chris said...

Awww...thanks for the mention. I appreciate it! You are so good at layering your things. I like how I can look at one little vignette and find something new every time. Nicely done!

Nicole said...

I love it. Love your idea for painting you cabinets and the beadboard. I would love to do that. We put some molding at the top of our cabinets and it made a huge difference. I love that shelf with all the drawers.

Crazycozartclan said...

It looks cute! You always had a knack for that. You even made our colledge "house" cute! Remember how cute our room was! Totally the best one in the house. Keep it up girl!

Shannon said...

You have such a way of accessorizing! I love it all!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Tausha just don't put the floorcloth in front of the door. Put it in a hallway or somwhere where you don't wear salty shoes. Truly it will hold up.

Great job!!!! I love all the red!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for stopping by my place...your little touches are so nice..and I like the corkboard, I need one, but have a hard time finding one with "character"...Kimba has been a HUGE inspiration...

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Love the red shelf and the empty picture frames add such a nice touch. Very cute--and I think you can never have enough red! :)

~ Sarah

elizasmom said...

Dang, Tausha, here I am with the same paint samples stuck to my living room that I put there a year and a half ago, while you're changing up your house in awesome, fun, beautiful ways, like, every single post.
I think I need to get my act together; you're making me feel lazy!

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Impressive... I do love all of your CUTE decor, painting the cabinets is a big job, but I know you will make it look AMAZING.

Ashley said...

Ooohh I just love that red shelf. So pretty! I came over from Cherry's Jubilee. Your home is lovely.

Megan said...

I read 'The Host' and I liked it a lot. Mostly because I like Sci-Fi (hello Roswell?) but I am not into the heavy heavy romance. Don't get me wrong I love Twilight and Edward but there have been times I thre up just a little from all the mushyness. So 'The Host' was great - enough romance, but not so much. I really liked the idea and the characters. Even though I am not a Jacob fan in 'Twilight' I was a total Ian fan in 'The Host'. So what did you think about the book then?