Saturday, November 15, 2008

Theres no place like HOME!!!

There is no other words that ring more true than those right now.

Kal and I flew in today and we did a little happy dance when we walked in the door.
It was hard and sad to leave his Dad and Mom, but we needed to come home.
We missed our girls, and I am happy to say that they missed us!

My FIL is still in the ICU. We have got a bit of good news, so we are holding on to that.
He is still on a ventilator and lots of dialysis, but the Dr's are pretty sure that he is going to make it. It's going to be a long recovery(about a month in the hospital in AZ) but we are hoping that he will be home in time for Christmas.
What a great Christmas it will be.

We want to say thank you so much for all your prayers and kind words.
I know that it was prayers offered on our behalf that helped us make it through some days.
We thought that we were going to lose him a couple of times.
It was then, that the angels surrounded us, and the peace was felt by all of us.
Thank you again. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so many fantastic people.
The world is full of good, loving people. I am lucky to know some of them.

I just have to say, this whole experience has taught us a lot.
Kal and I came home different people.
My testimony of prayer and modern day miracles has been strengthened.
My love for my family has increased 10 fold.
I have realized that life is too short.

Life is too short to leave without telling your family you love them.
Life is too short to hold on to feeling of resentment and anger.
Life is too short to worry about things that don't really matter.
Life is too short to not spend your time making memories with those who truly matter.

I realized, that in all of my 10 years of being married, I don't think that I have ever told my FIL I loved him and gave him a hug.
Now, I am not an evil person.
They are just not touchy people.
I know that they love me, and I know that they know I love them.
But life is too short to not tell them.
So, the next time that I see them, I am going to hug them both and tell them how much they mean to me. (so get ready-cause I know that you are reading this)

You never know when your life is going to change in an instant.


Jack said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad you did, I am adding your FIL and family to my prayers. Wishing you peace in the coming days.

I look forward to getting to know you -- I checked around your blog a little and think we'll make great friends with so much in common!

Best, and a happy and PEACEFUL weekend to you and yours!

Bonnie the Boss said...

I am so glad you are home!! I hope things improve sooner than planned.

Laurie - Decorating Fanatic said...

Welcome Home! So glad to hear the good news! Sending prayers & blessings your way that your FIL makes a speedy recovery! It will be a wonderful holidays spent with the family. :) ~ Laurie

Tonya said...

i am so glad to hear things are looking up. How are you feeling? ...still in my prayers. Love ya!

kathy said...

yes various trials really bring into perspective what is really important -- praying for you kathy ga

Julie@My5monkeys said...

praying for your family as well and its good that you are home :)

Crazycozartclan said...

I'm glad you're home. Best of luck on the road ahead for your FIL.

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Welsome home... How are your headaches? I am glad things sound so encouraging!

Lori said...

Glad you made it back and that the kids actually missed you! Good luck to your FIL.

The Huffies said...

keep me posted on what's going on...I hope all goes well. Please know I'd be happy to help, take your kids, bring chocolate...whatever you need! Love ya.

Tinabean said...

So good to hear that your home safe & with some good news.
I can tell you from personal experience that yes life is to short we Must live in the now & not put off things until tomorrow or assume that people know how we feel about them.
And yes Family is Everything!!!

Heather said...

What a beautiful post. I hope he gets better soon!

Jessica G. said...

Glad you are back! But even more glad that there is some good news.

cherry said...

Wow what a wonderful testimony. Glad to hear your fil will be on the mend. HOME is a wonderful place...been there a lot latey rofl. cherry

Em said...

I should have checked my bloglines before sending you that email I did today... do you want to be MY partner for the New Years Swap???

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

glad you are back soooo safely!!!
new blog--
just so you know...:)

My old one I lost..:?(