So, I was at the thrift the other day. NOT really looking for anything. Just killing time with my sis. We were ready to leave and she suggested that we go to the outside yard and see if there is anything. Look what I found!!!
She is a beautiful armoire/pantry/entertainment center. I had big plans I tell ya, big plans!!
I have NO cupboard space in my kitchen. ALL of my food was shoved in one cupboard and the top shelf of my lazy susan! It stressed me out just looking for the ingredients to cook!! My husband said that he would NOT build me a pantry without redoing the entire kitchen.
So, since I didn't have a couple extra grand just hanging out, I had to take matters into my own hands. (why that much $ you ask, well we would have to move the dishwasher, redo the floor not to mention all the cosmetic stuff I want done anyway-that I am going to do this fall :)
So-I found this for $20 bucks a shoved her in my van and brought her home.
I thought that this was a pre-fab piece, but upon closer inspection-she was custom.
Can I get a WOOT WOOT!! Since I am so inpatient, I stopped at Lowe's on the way home and got me some paint and supplies. Here she is after the first coat. Isn't she pretty? I was GiDDY with excitement!!
Look how big it is! I know can see my food and know what I have. Guess no more excuses for not cooking dinner. This little addition cleared out 2 whole cupboards!! I don't even know what to do with myself!!
OH. My. Word. Are you kidding me??? $20.00??!! Get OUT! I LOVE it, and I'm sooo envious right now!
Are you freakin' kiddin' me???? $20 bucks!!!! Shut up! I NEVER find stuff like that thriftin'! Gorgeous, simply gorgeous!
That is so beautiful I am so jealous!
taush I love it!!! it looks so good, and how fabulous that if holds all your food!! i'm so excited for you. hey if you ever find a little bookshelf while thrifting let me know, right now coops book are up in the closet and i need to get them down so he can read them without me getting them for him... :-) you love me
That is a STEAL, I must say! It looks awesome. And a bonus? If you want a little snack, you don't even have to leave the table! Haha. You can just sit there and eat all night. Oh that would be dangerous for me!
This is absolutely gorgeous! I wish I could find something like that! Great job and the paint color is awesome as well!!!!!!
That is an awesome find!!! And only $20.00. Wow!
Love the paint. You have a fantastic pantry now and it always helps when the hubby is happy w/thrifting.
Love it! What else is there to say? Other than wanting to bow to you and say something like "I'm not worthy... I'm not worthy..." You inspired me to get thrifty on a dresser, but my paint job is driving me crazy. I must NOT know how to properly use a spray can.
I am super impressed!! Turned out FAB!!!
Seriously, how do you find this stuff and for $20.00???
Way to go, I want to come visit just to go thrift...
TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE FINDING ALL THIS GOOD STUFF!!!! What the heck thrift stores do you frequent? I may have already told you, but I'm doing my now house in a shabby, chic, vintage farm style & NEED some finds like this. Help a girl out!!!
OK - Taush - you ROCK! Now that school is starting, I want to go thriftin' with you!
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