Friday, February 22, 2008


Ok people-I really don't have anything to exciting to talk about. Other than the fact, that at this very moment i am getting very angry because i can hear the running of small children upstairs when they are supposed to be taking a nap! It's 6-she is my middle child. I know that you all know what i am talking about when i say "middle child" I love her so much, she is the little mother is our family. She is very sweet to everyone. She loves to shop! All kinds, and she also loves to give me her opinion. If I ever need someone to tell me the truth about how i really look-i go to 6!

A quick story about her: The other day I gave her some mail and told her to go put it in the mailbox and put the flag up. Well, my husband walked in about 5 minutes after i sent her out and asked me why in the world, i would ask Hannah to put the American flag up by the mailbox? I could not help but laugh. I explained to him what the instructions were, and he too laughed. In fact we were laughing so hard, that when she came in she started crying, because she was sure that we were laughing at her. I couldn't even withhold my giggles long enough to explain to her why what she did was so funny. Oh, thats all we needed. the crying was now louder and more intense. She has such a tender heart-i felt bad that i was laughing, but it did not stop me from laughing even more.

Lets just say, the whole thing is still hillarious to think about, but i did not win the "mom of the year" award for that moment. Oh-well, one day she will look back and laugh, probably not as hard as her momther did, but nonetheless, a giggle is a giggle.


Melissa said...

That is such a cute story! I love it when kids get words or meanings mixed up :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Gage and Missy!! said...
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Chelsie said...

She is so sweet and she is the little mother..Coop just can't get enough of her. That's too funny though about the flag...I think I would have had a hard time not laughing also. Sorry that deleted comment was from me, I was logged in under a different name

Heidi Reed said...

Too cute!


Crazycozartclan said...

Helllloooooo! I am so glad you found my site too. Okay... your little one looks just like you! As far as mother of the year... You're talking to her (hahaha) my best feature is the fact that I haven't killed them yet. Well I will at you to my blog too. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the cute little story!! =) Funny when you said " middle child" and explained her personality I thought AUTUMN!! They are alot a like, stinkers but very lovable at the same time. very stubborn as well....cute cute girls you have!!!

Camille said...

That is such a funny story about Hannah it made me laugh. She is a cute little girl.